Is there a connection to breathwork and spirituality during working out?
Breathwork during workouts goes beyond mere physical mechanics. It intertwines mind, body, and spirit , creating a holistic experience. Let’s explore this connection: Body : Deep breathing during exercise activates the parasympathetic nervous system , reducing heart rate and blood pressure. It induces a sense of calm. By using the diaphragm instead of shallow chest breathing, you engage your abs and allow more oxygen to reach your cells and organs. Try this: Observe how your chest and belly rise and fall during breathwork. Feel the muscles and bones in your body as you shift from shallow to deep breathing. Mind : Deep breathing not only reverses physical stress responses but also calms emotional turbulence. Studies show that breathwork can help treat depression, anxiety, and PTSD. In a deeper state of mind, you may access buried emotions, grudges, and traumas, ultimately releasing their grip on your mental state. Spirituality : Breathwork can be spiritual . When practiced, it ...